Jane has used Cover&Layout to produce the interior layout for her first book Finding Myself from the Outside In.
Jane Curnow
Jane Curnow grew up in Melbourne, Australia with a middle-class background and is proudly a fifth generation Australian from English heritage. With a private school education in Melbourne and finishing in Canberra, she has enjoyed a successful corporate career as a Payroll Manager and is highly regarded in the payroll industry.
With depression being her close companion throughout her adult life, she has suffered with addictions, eating disorders, anxiety, heartache and insecurities. Having tried for many, many years to overcome her emotional issues, it wasn’t until the age of 46 when she decided to compete as a fitness model that the pieces of the puzzle all fell into place. Through this intense journey to achieve the perfect female form and compete on stage, she inadvertently stumbled across the answers she had spent a life time searching for.
With the nutritional knowledge and personal development gained from her bodybuilding journey, Jane furthered her passion for nutrition and coaching by studying with the Institute of Integrative Nutrition® graduating in April 2014.
Jane resides in Sydney, Australia where she continues her bodybuilding and spiritual journey. Her commitment and discipline to her athlete’s lifestyle for a woman her age is inspirational. She has devoted her life to not only achieving her own fitness goals but to spreading the ripple effect of health and wellness which she does through her influential example and her exclusive coaching program.
More information can be found on her website: www.janecurnow.com.
Finding Myself from the Outside In is available in paperback and as an ebook.