Practical Wisdoms @ Work

Practical Wisdoms @ Work is a must-read for every woman who wants career success.

Practical Wisdoms @ Work provides advice to broaden your career with skills that will set you apart. In this book you will find insights to navigate situations, challenges, and opportunities that arise every day in business. How can you manage your time and stress? Is telecommuting right for you? How do you work successfully with diverse individuals?

Practical Wisdoms @ Work is your first step on the ladder to figure it all out. With approachable stories and positive examples that answer your questions, Practical Wisdoms @ Work is written by women who have been there, done that and are in it with you.

Practical Wisdoms @ Work is a resource for women who are entering the workforce and building their careers. The advice and wisdoms contained in this volume are garnered from the experiences of Lynn, Tina, Rachel, and our friends and family.

 Read an excerpt here!

Practical Wisdoms @ Work is available on Kindle and in paperback.

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